Sunday, September 8, 2024

NOAA’s Latest Temperature Climate Data Establishes There is NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY – Watts Up With That?

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Guest essay by Larry Hamlin

NOAA has updated its Contiguous U.S. National Temperature Index Temperature Anomaly data and its National, Statewide, County and City Time Series temperature data (as well as other climate data parameters) through the April 2024 period.

NOAA’s National Time Series USCRN maximum temperature anomaly dataset for the Contiguous U.S. is shown below with the data updated through April 2024. 

This NOAA data clearly establishes that there is no upward trending anomaly signature for the Contiguous U.S. monthly maximum temperature anomalies for the period commencing in January 2005 through April 2024. 

NOAA’s USCRN April 2024 maximum temperature anomaly value is 1.91 degrees F (highlighted in red above) with the highest measured April USCRN value occurring in April 2006 at 3.62 degrees F.

Furthermore, the April 2024 maximum anomaly value is only the 3rd highest measured April maximum temperature anomaly during the January 2005 through April 2024 period.

NOAA’s latest Contiguous U.S. maximum temperature anomaly data clearly refutes politically contrived exaggerated climate alarmist hype that we are experiencing a “climate emergency”.

NOAA’s National Time Series Contiguous U.S. April maximum absolute temperatures from 1895 through April 2024 are shown below clearly establishing that there is nothing remarkable about the April 2024 result that is highlighted below in red. 

April 2024 is only the 116th highest April maximum temperature out of 130 Contiguous U.S. maximum April temperature months since 1895 as shown below with maximum temperatures in prior years 1895, 1910, 1915, 1925, 1930, 1934, 1946, 1954, 1977, 1981, 1985, 1987, 2006 (highest value) and 2012 exceeding the year 2024 value.

NOAA’s Contiguous U.S. maximum April temperatures between 1895 and 2024 clearly refutes climate alarmists exaggerated and politically driven claims that we are experiencing a “climate emergency”.

NOAA’s National Time Series Contiguous U.S. maximum January through April temperatures from 1895 through April 2024 are shown below again showing nothing remarkable regarding the 2024 January through April result that is highlighted below in red.

The January through April 2024 maximum temperature is the 123rd highest of 130 Contiguous U.S. measurements with prior year outcomes from years 1946, 1986, 1990, 2000, 2006, 2012 (highest value), 2016 and 2017 exceeding the 2024 value as shown below.

NOAA’s Contiguous U.S. maximum January through April temperatures between 1895 and 2024 clearly refutes climate alarmists exaggerated and politically driven claims that we are experiencing a “climate emergency”.

NOAA’s National Time Series Contiguous U.S. maximum absolute temperatures for all months from 1895 through April 2024 are shown below again showing nothing remarkable regarding the April 2024 result that is highlighted below in red.

April 2024 is only the 808th highest month out of 1552 highest months measured since 1895 as shown below.

NOAA’s Contiguous U.S. maximum temperature data for all months since 1895 refutes climate alarmists exaggerated and politically driven claims that we are experiencing a “climate emergency”.

NOAA’s Statewide Time Series data for California’s maximum temperature for the month of April between 1895 and 2024 are displayed below and again show nothing remarkable regarding the April 2024 result that is highlighted below in red. 

April 2024 is only the 86th highest April maximum temperature out of 130 highest April measured temperatures since April 1895 as shown below.

NOAA’s California Statewide Time Series maximum temperature data for April months between 1895 and 2024 refutes climate alarmists exaggerated and politically driven claims that we are experiencing a “climate emergency”.

Additionally, this NOAA database also establishes that none of the 48 Contiguous U.S. states experienced a record high April maximum temperature month in year 2024.

This same outcome is also true for Alaska as shown below where the April 2024 result was only the 80th highest maximum temperature out of 100 highest April months.

NOAA’s Statewide Time Series for California’s maximum temperature for all months between 1895 and 2024  are shown below again showing nothing remarkable regarding the April 2024 result that is highlighted below in red. 

April 2024 is only the 745th highest maximum temperature out of 1552 highest measured monthly temperatures since 1895 as shown below.

NOAA’s California Statewide Time Series maximum temperature data for all months between 1895 and 2024 refutes climate alarmists exaggerated and politically driven claims that we are experiencing a “climate emergency”.

NOAA’s City Time Series for Los Angeles, California maximum temperature data for the month of April 2024 are shown below for the period starting in 1945 and again show nothing remarkable regarding the April 2024 result that is highlighted below in red. 

April 2024 is only the 49th highest April maximum temperature out of 80 highest measured April monthly temperatures since 1945 as shown below.

NOAA’s City Time Series for Los Angeles, California maximum temperature data for April months between 1945 and 2024 refutes climate alarmists exaggerated and politically driven claims that we are experiencing a “climate emergency”.

NOAA’s City Time Series for Los Angeles, California maximum temperatures for all months in the period starting in 1944 through 2024 and again show nothing remarkable regarding the April 2024 result that is highlighted below in red.

April 2024 is only the 359th highest maximum temperature out of 957 highest measured monthly temperatures since August 1944 as shown below.

NOAA’s City Time Series for Los Angeles, California maximum temperature data for all months between August 1944 and April 2024 refutes climate alarmists exaggerated and politically driven claims that we are experiencing a “climate emergency”.

NOAA recently issued its report “Assessing the U.S. Climate in April 2024” (shown below) which failed to provide detailed temperature data as addressed in this essay (using NOAA’s own extensive data records) and instead used nebulous “color” charts and generalized statements that concealed what their own data shows regarding the measured temperature outcomes that clearly do not support that we are experiencing a “climate emergency”  as discussed in detail above.  

One of the charts is shown below which portrays the “Mean Temperature Departures from Average” for the Contiguous U.S. but provides no specific temperature data that allows any perspective to be obtained regarding the large natural variations of measured temperature outcomes that occur over time as provided in this essay using NOAA’s data.   

A similar chart (shown below) is also provided that portrays “Mean Temperature Departures from Average” for the January through April 2024 period but again has no specific temperature measurement data that provide any useful perspectives regarding the patterns and extent of natural occurring temperature behaviors over time as provided in this essay using NOAA’s data.  

What is particularly concerning is that this NOAA report failed to provide its clearest temperature anomaly data regarding Contiguous U.S. temperature anomalies (shown below and addressed in the essay above) that clearly establish there is no “climate emergency.”

NOAA’s temperature data as addressed in detail in this essay do not support and clearly refute climate alarmist hype that we are experiencing a “climate emergency.”

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