Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Embarrassing Tombstone Of Fox Mulder In The X-Files

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Fittingly enough, this tale of Mulder’s bizarre tombstone request is going to require us to do some serious digging. It all starts with “Shadows,” an early episode in which our two FBI agents investigated a series of mysterious deaths. The eventual answer to that mystery was as simple as it was shocking: they were being killed by the vengeful ghost of a dead man.

In the final version of the episode, Mulder makes no mention of his tombstone, but his unique request appeared in an earlier version of the script. In that version, he explicitly says that he wants the words “no regrets” engraved on his tombstone. Honestly, discovering this has had us endlessly cackling about how this request is both terribly embarrassing and completely in line with Mulder’s character.

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