Friday, September 20, 2024


Weather changes

Why the Sunshine State is Laughing Off Climate Hysteria – Watts Up With That?

Ah, Florida—the land of sunshine, palm trees, and, apparently, the most evil of all things: fossil fuels. If you listen to Gavin Maguire...

Invasive insect could accelerate release of climate pollution from forests » Yale Climate Connections

As climate change has caused warmer winters, an invasive insect called the hemlock woolly adelgid has spread across forests in the Eastern U.S.,...

Jem Bendell – The Best Selling Climate Doomer Who is Wrecking the Alarmist Movement – Watts Up With That?

Michael Mann – “Doom-mongering has overtaken denial as a threat and as a tactic. … they are led down a path of disengagement....

Fantasy role-playing games help young people engage with climate change » Yale Climate Connections

Pretending to be a wizard or warrior can be a fun way to escape reality. But fantasy role-playing games are also being used...

The Struggle Continues – Watts Up With That?

From MasterResource By Kennedy Maize This post updates the financial troubles of Denmark’s Ørsted, recent BOEM auctions, and pushback against Maryland governor Wes Moore. Today, operational...

Free online tool kit can help small businesses prepare for climate change » Yale Climate Connections

Corner stores, day cares, auto mechanics … small businesses provide vital services to communities. But many are vulnerable to increasingly extreme weather as...

The campaign against Woodside’s Burrup Hub hits new heights

As the newest Woodside Campaigner at Greenpeace Australia Pacific I am so excited to build upon two years of hugely influential campaigning as...

We teach kids only half the scientific method – Watts Up With That?

From CFACT By David Wojick The vigilant folks at the CO2 Coalition have been saying we are no longer teaching the scientific method in public...

What should you do to prepare for the climate change storm? » Yale Climate Connections

Like an approaching major hurricane whose outer spiral bands are only just beginning to hit, an approaching climate change storm has begun and...

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