Saturday, September 21, 2024


Weather changes

Compendium of DEFR Analyses – Watts Up With That?

Roger Caiazza The organizations responsible for the New York State electricity system transition to net-zero agree that new technologies are necessary to keep the...

Your medications may increase your risk of heat-related illnesses » Yale Climate Connections

A sweltering summer day is not just uncomfortable, but potentially dangerous. As you sweat in the heat, you could become dehydrated or even...

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #605 – Watts Up With That?

The Week That Was: 2024 07-27 (July 27, 2024)Brought to You by SEPP ( Science and Environmental Policy Project Quote of the Week: “Laws...

Can a colossal extreme weather event galvanize action on the climate crisis? » Yale Climate Connections

On a sweltering June day in 1988, during the great drought and heat wave of the summer of 1988 — a catastrophe that...

The Great Lithium Truck Fiasco of I-15 – Watts Up With That?

Once upon a time in the magical land of California, a truck carrying the very essence of green dreams – lithium-ion batteries –...

¿Qué podemos esperar para el resto de la temporada de huracanes? » Yale Climate Connections

Se pronosticó que sería una temporada de huracanes hiperactiva y la temporada empezó fuerte con la formación del Huracán Beryl el 29 de...

He had his dream career. But was it good for the climate?  » Yale Climate Connections

Some kids watch a professional soccer game and dream of becoming a pro athlete when they grow up. Felipe Morales Ramírez wanted to...

All Companies Should Report They will be Destroyed by Climate Change in the Next Decade – Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall Companies in Australia are being warned they shouldn’t play down climate risks. For once I agree with the green regulators. Warning...

How to protect your pets during a heat wave » Yale Climate Connections

Extreme heat is not just a threat to people. It can also be dangerous for pets. And to stay safe during a heat...

Study offers new policy tool for considering ‘Indigenous climate justice’

Addressing climate justice calls for a “fundamental,...

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