Sunday, September 22, 2024


Weather changes

New US-EU Methane Rules Won’t Affect Temperatures – Watts Up With That?

By Steve Goreham Originally published by MasterResource. In March, the US Environmental Protection Agency published new methane emissions regulations for the oil and gas industry....

Our own Bob Henson on the Brian Lehrer show » Yale Climate Connections

If you live in the New York City area, you may have heard a familiar name on WNYC Tuesday morning, when host Brian...

Discovery of 2-million-year-old DNA in Greenland reveals new details about ancient life – Watts Up With That? .PBS NewsHour Here is the transcript JUDY WOODRUFF: Scientists working in Greenland have identified the oldest samples of DNA ever found on Earth. By analyzing...

El área de Houston golpeada por el viento y el agua de Huracán Beryl » Yale Climate Connections

Huracán Beryl azotó el área de Houston el lunes por la mañana con vientos que cortaron la energía, fuertes lluvias y marejadas. Al...

But the Climate Crisis is Still Totally Real – Watts Up With That?

Monday Mirthiness: But the Climate Crisis is Still Totally Real – Watts Up With That? ...

Low-income residents buy into solar project at Minneapolis school » Yale Climate Connections

In a low-income neighborhood of Minneapolis, dozens of households will soon buy solar energy produced on the roof of North High School —...

Greens Wail at Trump’s Hostility to Climate Action – Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall “… he highlighted the expanding assault he and Republicans are launching against even the most obscure environmental policies – a...

Beryl regains steam en route to Texas coast » Yale Climate Connections

After racking up more accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) than any Atlantic hurricane so early in the season – not to mention hitting category 5...

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