Saturday, September 21, 2024


Weather changes

Many of the ‘Climate Experts’ Surveyed by the Guardian in Recent Propaganda Blitz Turn Out to be Emotionally-Unstable Hysterics

From THE DAILY SCEPTIC by Ben Pile The Guardian last week published its survey of ‘climate experts’. The results are a predictable mush of fire-and-brimstone...

¿Cómo afrontan los editores de YCC el duelo climático? » Yale Climate Connections

Cuando los editores de Yale Climate Connections se reunieron recientemente para charlar, la conversación giró en torno al duelo climático. En nuestro trabajo...

Building a science-based climate justice lesson for middle school students – Climate Generation

The need for climate justice education When I ask visiting 6th grade students if they have heard of the word Climate, they all say...

Government finally accelerates on New Vehicle Emissions Standards, a win for people and planet: Greenpeace

SYDNEY – Thursday 16 May 2024 – Greenpeace Australia Pacific has today welcomed the long-awaited passing of New Vehicle Emissions Standards, which will...

Analysis: Benefits of UK ‘sustainable aviation fuel’ will be wiped out by rising demand

UK government targets for “sustainable aviation fuels”...

Why the PROVE IT Act Would Result in Carbon Taxes – Watts Up With That?

From ClimateREALISM Guest post by Daren Bakst The PROVE IT Act (S. 1863) is not a benign information collection bill on the carbon intensity of domestic and...

Estuaries provide more than a billion dollars in environmental benefits, research shows » Yale Climate Connections

When a river reaches the ocean it becomes an estuary, a place where freshwater mixes with saltwater. Castelletto: “You’ll have wetland habitats, marshes,...

Guest post: How China’s energy system can reach carbon neutrality before 2055

China’s thinking around the energy transition shifted...

Climate Professor Thinks We Should ‘Cull’ the Human Population to Reach Emissions Targets – Watts Up With That?

From NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward Professor Bill McGuire is a well-known vulcanologist and climate scientist who doesn’t...

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