Friday, September 20, 2024


Weather changes

How do scientists know how much climate change affects a hurricane, a heat wave, a drought, and more? » Yale Climate Connections “Once upon a time, the only thing we could say about a particular weather event was that it was ‘consistent with climate change,’”...

COP16: Tracking country pledges on tackling biodiversity loss

At the COP15 biodiversity summit in December...

Biden White House starts end run around Supreme Court WOTUS ruling – Watts Up With That?

From the DAILY CALLER By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D.AUTHOR, FIXING AMERICA’S CRUMBLING UNDERGROUND INFRASTRUCTURE At an April 23 “Water Summit” at the White House, the...

Mom fights air pollution in North Denver » Yale Climate Connections

People who live in North Denver, Colorado, face multiple sources of air pollution. Oliver: “Families and young homeowners … live next to the refinery,...

Vacancy: Three-week summer journalism internship at Carbon Brief

Carbon Brief is offering an exciting opportunity...


Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Well, I see that the climate hypemeisters are at it again. Here’s Google News on the subject. Figure 1. The...

Why India is key to heading off climate catastrophe » Yale Climate Connections

Decisions made in India over the next few years will play a key role in global efforts to head off the most catastrophic...

Chart: How British electricity supplies are shifting decisively away from fossil fuels

Carbon Brief analysis recently showed that fossil...

Climate Crisis Inc. Takes a Hit – Watts Up With That?

News Brief by Kip Hansen  — 4 May 2024 Climate Crisis Inc., a nebulous, secretive  but highly organized cabal of activist groups, NGOs living...

Startup mimics nature to produce zero-carbon cement » Yale Climate Connections

One day you may walk down a sidewalk made from algae. A startup called Prometheus Materials is working to make that a reality...

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