Friday, September 20, 2024


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DeBriefed 26 April 2024: Extremes grip Asia; Human rights inquiry; Using climate science in court

Welcome to Carbon Brief’s DeBriefed. An essential guide...

Environmental Conciliation – Watts Up With That?

This one is not likely going to catch on. In the labyrinthine corridors of academic fantasy, where reality often takes a back seat to...

‘Just do it!’ Wisconsin couple built a net-zero home » Yale Climate Connections

A few years ago, Jacqueline Freidel and her husband built their new home near Madison, Wisconsin, complete with four bedrooms and an open-concept...

Guest post: How shifting diets away from beef could cut Brazil’s emissions

Food systems are responsible for around one-third...

L A Times Editorial Claim that “The planet is experiencing a horrifying streak of record-breaking heat” is Unsupported by NOAA’s Climate Data

Guest Essay by Larry Hamlin The L A Times published an Editorial claiming that the “The planet is experiencing a horrifying streak of record breaking heat”...

La Corriente de Retorno del Atlántico y su potencial impacto en el futuro climático » Yale Climate Connections

Hace poco que nadie fuera de la comunidad científica supiera que era la Circulación de Retorno Meridional del Atlántico (o AMOC por sus...

3 overlooked signs a food is climate friendly (Lessons from hazelnuts) – Climate Generation

Two years ago, I moved to Minnesota to sell hazelnuts. I believed strongly in their potential to fight climate change, and I was...

Australia’s Polluter-In-Chief Woodside loses ‘climate’ vote in a landslide

PERTH – 24 April 2024 – Following the overwhelming shareholder vote against Woodside’s ‘climate’ plan, see comments below attributable to Greenpeace Australia Pacific...

Cropped 24 April 2024: Mass coral bleaching; FAO report retraction request; Escazú Agreement

Welcome to Carbon Brief’s Cropped. We handpick and...

Tracking The Demise Of The U.S. Green Energy Transition – Watts Up With That?

From the MANHATTAN CONTRARIAN Francis Menton We’re coming up on three and a half years into the Biden presidency — a presidency which from the...

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