Sam Mouzer‘s getting real about the uniquely terrifying pest control he went through on “Naked and Afraid’ — just in case you’ve ever wondered what it takes to get a tick off your junk!
We spoke with the super unlucky ‘Naked and Afraid’ contestant after getting a sneak peek of this Sunday’s episode where a tick burrowed its way into Mouzer’s manhood, and we had to ask about the procedure for yanking a parasite from such a sensitive spot.

Discovery Channel
Sam says the medic examined his penis before pulling out a “bladed device” to exterminate the little beast — an image ghastly enough to make anyone with a penis shudder
Mouzer says you can burn the tick off too, but — given his past trauma — he chose the blade over the fire. Sam says neither option’s fun to experience … but, it might be fun to watch, so he’s encouraging intrepid viewers to tune into ‘N&A’ this weekend.

Of course … Sam took a hot coal to the johnson during one ‘N&A’ competition last year — and, we asked him which hurt more. He’s got an answer, but neither sounds pleasant.
Despite his phallic losing streak, don’t expect Mouzer to resign from ‘Naked and Afraid’ anytime soon — the nude adventurer says he’d go back on the show at the drop of a hat!
The new episode airs Sunday on Discovery Plus and MAX … and, it sounds like they can expect a good old-fashioned sword fight in the newest episode.