Created by Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams, Mojo made his Marvel debut in the 1985 comic Longshot #3. He is a Spineless One, the ruling race of the Mojoverse who use mechanical chairs with spider-like legs to move around and revolve their lives around gladiatorial reality TV. Following his first appearance, the character became a frequent enemy for various X-Men-related teams and characters.Â
Unlike most villains, Mojo isn’t motivated by personal vendettas or higher ideals, he simply wants to see the X-Men in entertaining situations without concern for their lives. He’s an over-the-top parody of network executives, who became increasingly relevant as reality TV emerged in the 80s and 90s. His commitment to making an entertaining story makes him a great villain, but it’s difficult to make such an impersonal, dispassionately cruel, villain work in a Marvel movie.Â