Sunday, January 12, 2025

Who are these evil Jokers?!? – Watts Up With That?

Must read

Neil Oliver

‘…like the worms around a corpse they wriggle in skinny, and they wriggle out fat….’ To help support this channel & get exclusive videos every week sign up to Neil Oliver on


Greetings one and all, great to have you with me for another look at what’s happening in the world around us. Hope you enjoy listening to me vent spleen to the same extent that I enjoy venting it. But before I launch into my weekly monologue, I just want to give you the heads up about my site. If you go there, find me, join up and part with a little bit of cash, you’ll be supporting this channel in an irreplaceably practical way. It costs about as much as one cup of coffee a month to show that support, but it makes all the difference here. And in return, you get early access to all menu content and exclusive access to a Q&A, a question and answer session every week. It’s great, we enjoy it, the patreon family. So join, join up, stir yourself into the mix and make it better by being there. Okay, that’s the advert over, it’s now time for the rant.

The oddness of the people in charge, I mean beyond anything else, they’re just an odd squad. The heads of state, the high-profile people are just looking increasingly peculiar, sometimes even physically, but certainly kind of morally and ideologically. But anyway, what I detect then more and more is the distance between us and those who have declared themselves in power over us.

Obviously, this is a great deal to do with the antics of the elected, but perhaps more particularly the unelected and thereby unaccountable. Listen to this guy addressing some or other forum of the World Economic Forum:

“We are broadly speaking agreed that we need to get on track towards a net zero climate safe and nature positive future. But we know this will not be easy, and we’re going to need to change behaviors of both individuals but also the way that our industries and corporations and also our governments work and practice. We’re going to need to do this through a mixture of carrots and hopefully, perhaps not so many sticks, and some kind of mix. And there’s a very active and live debate as to how we go about this, but we’re likely to see an increasing move towards more stick-like interventions into the future as things worsen if we’re not able to act.”

Net zero climate safe nature positive future, he says. We know this will not be easy, he says. We’re going to need to change behaviors, he says. We’re going to need to do this through a mixture of carrots and perhaps not so many sticks, but we’re likely to see an increasing move towards more stick-like interventions. How do you think so?

I mean seriously, who do these people, whoever they are, think they are? Cheerily choosing the use of sticks, metaphorical or not, in the face of billions of people who haven’t a reason to know him from Adam. Net zero, which is a suicide note for half the world, 4 billion people alive today. Nature positive? Can you be talking about the wholesale destruction of entire ecosystems and environments to facilitate the strip mining of rare earth metals by child slaves? Is that what he means?

A move towards an increase in the amount of mining of 1,000, 2,000% who knows to meet demand for gold, silver, copper, lithium, cobalt, lead and the rest. Does he mean the piggy backing on the coal, oil and gas use of nations like China to make the windmills, solar panels, the electric vehicles and the rest of the window dressing of the green agenda that’s more accurately described as the greed agenda? Is he talking about the windmill farms that require the sterilization of vast areas of ground, clearing them of all life so as to erect turbines that harvest thousands of birds that sit anyway on monolithic blocks of concrete, one of the most energy hungry and toxic products on the planet? Or when they whack them out at sea where their very presence in the water kills whales and other marine life? That kind of nature positive, that kind of green, is that he’s talking about?

Carrot and stick, he says, with an increasing move towards more stick-like interventions. What sort of sticks exactly, we man? What are you talking about? Higher taxes maybe? The taking away of necessities of life? Or actual sticks, truncheons and batons for the uncooperative? What kind of stick?

So I ask again, who is this joker? Where do people like this, nobodies and non-entities like this, get the idea that while unelected and unaccountable, they could and should and would take unilateral decisions guaranteeing the immiseration of people like you and me? Why do they imagine for even a nanosecond that they’re somehow imbued with the right and the power to make harder, smaller, darker, colder and hungrier the lives of billions of people?

From Davos and the WEF to the frauds of Downing Street in London in Britain, the refrain is the same. Keir Starmer wallows in freebies like the rest of his cabinet lackeys while his Chancellor Rachel Reeves dots the i’s and crosses the t’s on a budget set to pick the pockets of everyone else, pensioners and plebs alike. A population already crushed beneath the greatest tax burden since World War II, already extorted for some of the most expensive and uneconomic energy in the world.

But do you know what really sticks in my craw, really sticks in my throat, what fills me to the brim with righteous anger? It’s the glaring certainty that the diminished lives they have in mind for their fellow human beings are absolutely not the lives they have in mind for themselves. What’s utterly lacking in all of this, every step of the way by those WEF, WHO, UN types is an iota of sincerity. And by sincerity, I mean that if these people sincerely believed in the necessity, far less the virtuousness of the kind of diminished, limited, lesser lives they have in mind for us, if they had so much as an ounce of sincerity in their self-righteous, narcissistic heads, then they would already be living those lives themselves as an example to the rest of us.

It’s the presumption of right, of being right, of having the right to disregard the hopes and dreams, even just the relative normality of the lives of others that makes me wonder if I’ve walked by accident through a door into a parallel universe where the very idea of natural law is entirely absent.

I keep replaying in my head statements by the likes of John Kerry, a so-called climate czar for Joe Biden, telling that meeting of the World Economic Forum that free speech is a massive obstacle to the ability to govern. Or Hillary Clinton demanding more censorship on the Internet. Or Barack Obama calling for likewise. Or Bill Gates, international peddler of gene therapies and other experimental, unsafe, ineffective if not demonstrably lethal medical interventions. Bill Gates, whose principal residence is a palace the size of a city block. Bill Gates, who wishes there were fewer people on the planet while simultaneously gushing about his fleet of private jets and other aircraft being his guilty pleasure. Bill Gates, friend of international pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

They’re everywhere, these parasite philanthropists. Al Gore had a net worth of around a million bucks when he ran and fell as Democrat presidential candidate in 2000, but he’s worth 300 million bucks now after decades of spouting nonsense about climate change from his beachfront property among other addresses. So no fear of sea level rises there, apparently. Remember his images of starving polar bears and the rest of the doom-laden prophecy that 20-odd years later still hasn’t happened? As in none of it.

They’re ten a penny, these self-seeking, self-aggrandizing fraudsters and con artists predicting the imminent end of the world while the cash registers ring loud, clear and endlessly in the background. Whatever delusions these people are laboring under, a consequence presumably of too long exposure to wealth and power combined, they have evidently reached and long since passed the point of reason.

I say they’re certifiably mad, these characters. That we’re dealing with a version of insanity, albeit disguised in expensive clothes, domiciled in beachfront palaces in Martha’s Vineyard and similar, aided and abetted by bought and paid for media and bought and paid for politicians. A kind of madness that has assumed the right to rule as though granted by God himself.

All of them, these prognosticators of perdition for us, have at least one thing in common. Like the worms around a corpse, they wriggle in skinny and they wriggle out fat. Every one of them bloated, enriched by their dishonesty to the tune of tens and hundreds of millions of pounds and dollars and euros. These people will never downsize to modest homes. They’ll never know the penetrating cold of a northern winter, the lethal heat of an equatorial summer. They’ll never have their horizons limited to a 15-minute walk from their front doors. They’ll never have to eat what others prescribe for them, and they’ll never have to keep their mouth shut out of fear of censure or worse.

They’re full-time hypocrites, saying one thing and doing another. Their words are invested with no heartfelt meaning, at best political expediency. They mean to force us to do as they say with sticks while themselves indulging lives unimaginable even to the emperors of old. They’re charlatans, liars, snake oil salesmen. They can never be trusted except to do and say whatever makes their lives more and our lives less.

For hundreds of thousands of innocents in Ukraine, life has been rendered non-existent by those who, in pursuit of yet more wealth, the furtherance of their ideologies and ambitions, peddle war as the most profitable racket in town. More souls are burned alive in the blighted holy land, or vaporized or rendered into bloody chunks for the enrichment of the international arms industry, for the material gain of more of the same people.

It’s like Ted Hughes’s poem of the same name. They’re determined to dominate, always to dominate. There’s nothing especially clever about a hawk. It’s just a creature that has found its niche, an ecosystem of likely prey in which to thrive. And we have permitted the ecosystem for these psychopathic parasites. We have a world patrolled by predators that desire only to perpetuate their own existence and their own kind. To quote: “I use no arguments, assert my right. The sun is behind me. Nothing has changed since I began. My eye has permitted no change. I am going to keep things like this.”

And then here’s the thing, here’s the thing behind it all but increasingly unavoidably apparent. As I said at the top, the downright oddness, the peculiarity of these people. I won’t name names, but have a look around at the, shall we say, nationally and internationally prominent class and go in search there of any that appear to you to lead lives, to have lifestyles, to have dreams and aspirations, even tastes and preferences that you can identify with or recognize for even a second.

Ask yourself, as I increasingly do, who are these people? Where on Earth do they come from? And what on Earth did we ever do to deserve them? Put simply, they are not like us. They do not like us. In fact, they regard us with contempt. The distance between us and them has long since grown too wide ever to be bridged. There are simply two tribes now: one very small and very odd, and one very large indeed. If it’s finally about dog eat dog, my money is always on the great big hungry dog.

This video will be archived in WUWT Climate TV, a collection of over six hundred videos, featuring new interviews and analysis, and covering dozens of media sources discussing, debating and analyzing the latest in climate science, climate politics, and energy policy, including topics concerning temperature, sea level, polar bears, ocean acidification, extreme weather, censorship, wild fires, and more.

H/T philincalifornia

This show will be archived in WUWT Climate TV, a collection of over six hundred videos, featuring new interviews and analysis, and covering dozens of media sources discussing, debating and analyzing the latest in climate science, climate politics, and energy policy, including topics concerning temperature, sea level, polar bears, ocean acidification, extreme weather, censorship, wild fires, and more.

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