Climate Voices
March 25, 2024
By: Climate Generation
With Earth month just around the corner, here are eleven ways to take action for a just and abundant world. Check out these inspiring and upcoming ways to get involved:
TEACH about climate change

- You don’t need to be a teacher to educate others about climate change. Most people know climate change is a problem, and our goal is to get them hopeful and excited enough to take collective and individual action. Host a movie night that is inspiring or host a presentation night where everyone talks about one thing they do for the climate.
- If you are a teacher, sign up for the Summer Institute! Connect with educators from across North America in our teach climate network, for an impactful 3-day online training July 15–16 with one regional cohort day from July 17-19. Formal and informal educators from all backgrounds and subjects are invited to attend and learn new tools, skills, and resources to teach climate change in science, social studies, ELA, environmental studies, geography, art, math, and more.
TALK about climate change

- Climate change conversations don’t need to be all doom and gloom. At Climate Generation, we believe hope is a discipline fueled by fun – try doing something fun with friends like creating climate collages or doing a book club together (we have LOTS of recommendations!) People take action when people they personally care about ask them to take action, especially when it’s fun!
- Communicating your personal story of climate change is critical for motivating collective action – check out our storytelling guide for inspiration on how to share your climate story.
- Write a letter to your local, state or national elected official explaining your concern about climate change and urging them to act. Using your personal climate story is a powerful way to influence elected officials. Environment America’s searchable environmental scorecard can help you determine who your elected officials are, and how they’ve voted on environmental issues in the past.
ACT for climate justice

- Localize and personalize your own climate action by planning a campaign or action project. Don’t know where to start? Check out our toolkit for organizing.
- Gather your friends in your neighborhood and organize a clean up for Earth Day!
- Become a radical gardener, and learn more about the history of radical gardening here!
- Sign a petition calling for climate action, such as the Climate Justice Education Bill that Climate Generation’s Youth Climate Activists (YEA!) are fighting for to make climate justice education a required state standard.
LEAD climate action

- Support Climate Generation’s work. Put your money where your values are. Your tax-deductible donation supports our work to educate and empower people to engage in solutions to climate change.
- Learn about Donna Minter’s national 3200+ mile climate ride to support climate justice and sign up to attend her comedy show and fundraiser on June 18th virtually or in-person!